EXPLORERS AND EXPLORATION ========================= IMPORTANT NOTES ON INSTALLATION: FlagTower Set-up: 'To achieve best performance...' Select NO At the end of installation, a screen appears saying 'To achieve best performance from your FlagTower title, the set-up program needs to make changes to c:\config.sys and Windows' system.ini files.' Select NO. The changes were designed for older PC's, such as x486 machines. RESTART: 'Unable to open the licence group...' Click OK You must restart your computer after installation is complete. When Windows has re-booted, you may receive the following error message: 'Unable to open the licence group for the application CDA0017 Invalid data supplied by application' Click OK. This error message is nothing to worry about. Originally, the program was designed to play a FlagTower promo on restart. ONLINE CATALOGUE AND E-SHOP: All Marshall Media's CD-ROM's, DVD-ROM's and Videos can be found on the Marshall Media web site: www.marshallmedia.com TECHNICAL SUPPORT: If you have problems playing this disc, go to the technical support section on the Marshall Media web site: www.marshallmedia.com There is also a call back service on 020 7291 8280. Leave details of your name, telephone number and the problem you are having.